You could eat dessert with actual gold flecks, taste compare over a dozen varieties of salami, easily the same amount of chocolate, vino, pasta, balsamic, and beer. I stuck to confettura and pestos, cheese and dessert wine---for the most part (I only made it on Monday, since on Sat/Sun the boys and I were in Arezzo).
I cycled across town and spent 5 hours at this foodie event---and loved every minute of it. Read all about it here. Besides Monday's food event, fun frolics this week included learning to knit with my friend Tannis (she is planning to open up a knitting shop and fattoria in Florence!). The boys
In addition to learning to knit, we imbibed on mimosas, and made Dutch Pancakes and topped them with powdered sugar and one of my purchases from the food festival: Bianca Pesca Confettura (white peach jelly). OMG fabulous.
I am not a great knitter. I tried to teach myself with a do-it-yourself knitting book for kids some years ago. But found I had little questions here and there and nobody close by to answer. So I piled my knitting needles and yarn into a box and tucked it away. Learning to knit is on my life's list of things to do (I just found my cousin online and LOVED that she had a life's list of things to do and is tracking them; it is a hoot to see them crossed off and blogged about with pictorial proof!).
I didn't expect to 'cross that bridge' (aka learn to knit) this year, at this time in my life. But I am so, so glad serendipity occurred and our odd little knitting group developed. For the record, Anthony is the best knitter in the family.
So much fun! I have the same relationship with crocheting. Only I learned how when I was about 19 and haven't stopped making hats, scarves and hand bags until I had kids ... when I needed the skill the most! I've made a few hats here and there but we finally boxed up my craft and put it away for another day :)