Some good friends of ours suggested we start hosting a roundup of frolicking photos. We thought: what a perfect idea! Lets start celebrating frolics! Not just ours---but yours too!
We aren't the only ones making memories, seeking adventure, and aiming to embrace-life-with-deliberate-abandon.
Frolicking Fridays are the day to post frolicking fotos every week. You may have heard of the weekly photo event 'Wordless Wednesday' where people post favorite pics without words. This Friday-posting event is similar, but focuses on 'frolicking' fotos.
Frolicking Fotos might be vacation photos, taking-a-break from life photos, moments where you captured beauty, were inspired, and/or are embracing your happy place. For us, frolicking photos include travel, exploration, discovery, artful moments and sheer crazy fun.
So post a photo on your blog, in your Flickr, Picasa, Facebook, Snapfish or other online photo album on any given Friday. THEN come on over and add your link to the list (add link to comment section) of deliberately-living-large frolickers from around the web/globe. And unlike Wordless Wednesdays, we hope you add just a sentence or two---a caption about the fun you had, why you frolic, and/or what inspired you to take the photo.
Please feel free to shoot us feedback or suggestions as we roll out this new feature! Contact us at familyfrolics AT gmail DOT com
Cannot wait to sneak peeks at all of your frolics!