
Feb 2015: Top 5 In Gear

Getting back into the rhythm of capturing those magical moments or experiences on a family blog takes discipline.  But, I am assured by my spouse, Janelle, it is worth the effort.  Our Top 5 for February 2015:

1. Caleb's Soccer Team Wins State Cup. At the  culmination of Caleb's 14y+ of soccer, his team finally won the entire Washington state cup tournament for his age group - in the top premier league. It was a lengthy season and huge accomplishment for the entire team, which "peaked" at the right time in the season to bring the trophy home for Seattle United BU-18 (copa).


2. Ski Season Never Happened. By early February 2015, we finally gave up hope for a ski season in Seattle this year.  While the sunshine was welcomed in mid-winter, the lack of any measurable precipitation combined with a cold front killed our ski season, and has assured Washington of likely dangerous fire season.  (Not to mention allergies arrived early!)

3. Napping is back in Vogue.  We made a point while living in Italy to adopt the "Siesta" model and encourage napping mid-day: it was awesome.  A break early afternoon, gives the body a chance to recuperate, slows the day down, and seemingly reduces stress.  Unfortunately, we lost the habit after returning to the USA.  However, Caleb has reinstated the habit, given his early morning departures to the gym, and late nights of studying.  Coming home after school, Caleb owns the couch in our living room - no questions asked.

4. Anthony brings UW Friends for Dinner. One of the fortunate things about living close to the UW, is not only seeing Anthony more regularly (than if out-of-state), but also being a proximate retreat for his classmates in Seattle.  We had the pleasure of hosting all these delightful young men and women at our Wallingford home for dinner; Janelle made a tremendous spread of food. The laughter was infectious and food must have been good - because they've returned again. ;)

5. We get a 2d Shower. Voila! After one-year of sharing a single bathroom in a houseful of boys, we finally completed a second shower in Feb 2015 - which finally means Janelle would get some privacy.   AT the peak, we had 4 boys and 1 girl (Janelle)  sharing a single shower; it was quite an accomplishment.  Thankfully, Janelle is flexible and easy going - so we just made it work. ;)

Outside the Top 5 for February, several worthwhile runner ups: mowing the lawn 2+ times, making fires in the backyard, going for walks with Janelle (as we expand our reach and exposure in Seattle).

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